What is a Startup INCUBATOR?

An incubator is an organization that provides support to startups during the early stages of their development. In addition to offering consultancy services ranging from training to mentoring and networking, incubators typically provide startups with a physical workspace. A startup can be hosted for varying periods of time. Generally, incubators require a fee, but some also take equity in the startups that join their program.

What is a Startup ACCELERATOR?

An accelerator is a program aimed at accelerating the development of a new venture and targets already established startups. An acceleration program is typically structured around a curriculum of consultations aimed at supporting founders in various entrepreneurial activities in exchange for a percentage of equity. The goal is to help selected startups take a leap forward, making them attractive to venture capital or guiding them towards an exit. Many accelerators also provide financial resources and access to physical spaces during the program, but that is not the defining characteristic of their offering.

What is a Startup Studio?

The Startup Studio is a “startup factory,” a true serial generator of new companies that founds and builds new businesses in series, following a “parallel entrepreneurship” approach. The studio acts as a “serial founder” by establishing multiple startups in succession and simultaneously propelling them towards growth and exit. This is made possible primarily through its internal resources, including both financial and expertise-based capabilities. By assuming the dual roles of “creator” and “investor,” in many ways, a startup studio resembles a Venture Capitalist that invests in self-generated ventures.

What we do for startups

Access to Capital

  • Facilitated financing and non-repayable grants
  • Microcredit
  • Business angels and venture capital

Consulting services with professionals in the following areas:

  • Legal and tax
  • Sales and Business Development
  • Business Plan, Marketing Plan & Business Model, IP Consulting, Business Development, Growth Hacking, Digital Marketing
  • Strategy Consulting

Mentorship and Managerial Support:

  • Business Organizatio
  • Startups
  • Business Management
  • Gestione di Impresa


  • Workshops on cutting-edge topics to delve into the state of the art in innovation, startups, growth strategies, technologies, and emerging applications.


Startup Scouting (corporate incubator)

  • Analysis of company needs
  • Scouting for startups with technologies, products, or know-how useful to the company’s needs
  • Proposal of selected synergistic startups to the company
  • Support for integration or joint ventures between the company and startups

Additional Services

  • Research and support for funding
  • Managerial support for development